Yes!, from time to time the creative team at Firehead Organ Works are interested in reviewing new work to add to our online catalog. We want to encourage composers to continue making music for the organ and hope to provide a resource for the best of that repertoire here at Firehead Organ Works.
Before you attempt music submission, please consider the following:
1. Firehead Organ Works is not a traditional print music publisher. Our website serves as a host and storefront for your creative work. All of our music is available for instant download only (with only incredibly rare and expensive exceptions) so you need to be comfortable with that concept.
2. Please review the works posted on our site. If your music does not share a synchronicity in terms of character, complexity, or idiomatic awareness, it is unlikely we will include your music here. We are extremely selective and picky, unapologetically so. ALWAYS ask before sending anything for review.
3. We consider ourselves a collective of like minded artists and our site is intended to be a resource for those artists to exploit in the marketing of their own work. Our promotion on your behalf will be limited to Social Media and e-mail outreach only. As a member of this collective it is expected that you will actively use our site to market your work.
4. While it should be evident that our primary bread and butter consists of music for the organ as a solo instrument, chamber music which includes the organ is something we prize. We are also keenly interested in works for organ and electronics.
5. Your profile on Firehead, should we decide to invite you join this collective, is important. This means for the site we will require a professional headshot in Hi Res, a SoundCloud or YouTube presence, scores that are engraved in Finale or Sibelius, and one or more Social Media accounts. This will enable us to connect you in our Social Media promos.
6. Firehead Organ Works is an extension of our advocacy work in which we seek to promote and sponsor new music for the organ. We feel that there will ever be more music to write for the organ and that artists who choose to do so should be encouraged and supported. We also feel that artists should retain ownership and control of their creative work and therefore we do not seek to acquire your copyright. It will remain with you even though a downloadable PDF of your score will be catalogued and listed on this site for sale. You have the option to withdraw your music at anytime. We will ask you to sign a basic agreement should we accept your work for hosting. While you will be paid a higher than industry standard royalty on sales, we will deduct a percentage as a reasonable administration fee on every sale. This enables us to keep this site up, running, and well maintained.
Consider Firehead Organ Works as a corner shop where you can sell your music to an interested and sophisticated community of organists.
If you have any questions, contact us. If you feel we ought to review your work for inclusion, we’d love to hear from you.
Frederick Frahm & Huw Morgan, Directors
Firehead Organ Works
Firehead Organ Works