Good Friday, 1519


By Frederick Frahm. Music for organ solo.


One of two works after texts by Haniel Long. This work describes the landing at Villa Rica de la Vera Cruz on Good Friday, 1519.

“…The newcomers make gestures. Their movements are quick. They wear outlandish garments and do not smell like flowers. The White God is called Cortés. He is different from all other men, I do not know why…Today the soldiers taught me their important words, those that mean fever and blood and pus and death, and gold and money and fear, and haste and worry, and nightmare and prayer and mother and Mother of God…The dawn this morning is a million water lilies in the sky, and when the sun ascends, the sea is alive with rosy laughing lips…”

adapted from ‘Malinche’ by Haniel Long, 1939

See the companion work:  Malinche in the Forest

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